
Category: Uncategorized

A Spanish Word A Day – Buenos días

A Spanish Word A Day – Buenos días

Description:#Buenosdías is the Spanish way of saying “good morning”. It’s a warm and friendly greeting that sets a positive tone for the day ahead. #GoodMorningVibes #SpanishGreetings #PositiveStart #NewDayNewBeginnings Learn Spanish at the Spanish Language School in Singapore!

August 7, 2023November 6, 2023by
A Spanish Word A Day – Felicidad

A Spanish Word A Day – Felicidad

Description: #Felicidad is the Spanish word for happiness:  a radiant glow that illuminates our souls. It’s the blissful harmony of being content with life’s simple pleasures. Embracing gratitude and cherishing connections with loved ones fill our hearts with #Felicidad. #JoyfulLiving #GratefulHeart #Happiness #Felicidad Learn Spanish at the Spanish Language School in Singapore!

August 4, 2023November 6, 2023by
A Spanish Word A Day – Estudiar

A Spanish Word A Day – Estudiar

Description:#Estudiar in Spanish means “to study”. It’s a fundamental activity that empowers us to acquire knowledge, develop new skills, and pursue our passions. #EducationMatters #LearningJourney #StudyHard #KnowledgeIsPower Learn Spanish at the Spanish Language School in Singapore!

August 3, 2023November 6, 2023by
A Spanish Word A Day – Gracias

A Spanish Word A Day – Gracias

Description: #Gracias, the Spanish word for ‘thank you’, carries the power of appreciation and gratitude. It’s a heartfelt expression that strengthens bonds and fosters kindness. Let’s spread the magic of gratitude and acknowledge the beauty of life’s blessings. #Gracias #Thankyou #Appreciation #SpreadKindness #Gratitude Learn Spanish at the Spanish Language School in Singapore!

August 2, 2023November 6, 2023by
A Spanish Word A Day – Viajar

A Spanish Word A Day – Viajar

DESCRIPTION:#Viajar in Spanish means “to travel:  an exciting and enriching experience that allows you to explore new cultures, meet diverse people, and create unforgettable memories. #TravelAdventures #ExploreTheWorld #Wanderlust #AdventureAwaits Learn Spanish at the Spanish Language School in Singapore!

August 1, 2023November 6, 2023by
A Spanish Word a Day – Hola

A Spanish Word a Day – Hola

Description:“Hola” is a warm and friendly Spanish greeting that translates to “hello” in English. It exudes a sense of hospitality and openness, making it a universally recognized word to initiate conversations. #Hola #SpanishGreetings #WarmWelcome #Friendliness #HolaMeansHello

July 31, 2023October 31, 2023by